#gamma 1
dragon-ball-meta · 4 months
No One: Androids:
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viridescenttemple · 1 year
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undiagnosableartacc · 5 months
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reference under the cut
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both of the videos are by maya, the tiny mic animals lady
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wewour · 1 month
Been getting into db lately so I haven't posted much sonic stuff n then I rememberd I can do what I want so yall r getting a lil bit of dragon ball today guys sorry sonic lovers
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purrfectcellz · 4 months
The wya you give the cells the most cvnty eye liner ever..
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It's my fav thing to do.... and actually the first when I'm drawing them. Priorities!!
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Ok so now that everyone is freaking over the new Ultraman Rising movie 👏I 👏NEED 👏PEOPLE 👏TO 👏UNDERSTAND 👏MY 👏OBSESSION 👏WITH 👏THE 👏GAMMAS 👏SINCE 👏THEY 👏WERE 👏BASED 👏OFF 👏OF 👏THE 👏OG 👏ULTRMAN 👏
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sephioux · 3 months
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its too frickin hot outside.. stay cool guys
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psychopokemonlover · 7 months
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Another meme redraw! I saw it somewhere and couldn't get it out of my head.
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eirian · 2 years
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i am not immune to dragon ball
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gammia · 8 months
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N° 1: “We won't stop at that McDonald's”
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laladbzland · 1 year
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pan-chandbgt · 1 year
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beenienie · 6 months
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Gammas drawing
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duhragonball · 9 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga Ch. 94-96
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We're still reading the Super Hero adaptation! It's not great!
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Things continue pretty much like they did in the movie, although it's a little awkward how Chapter 94 opens with Pan waiting to get picked up from school, just like she was in Chapter 91, because Toyotaro wanted to show Piccolo doing a "normal" kindergarten pickup as a prelude to the story. And that might have seemed like a good idea on paper. You know, contrast a routine encounter with the zany scene we got in the movie. The problem is that it undermines the zany scene when we finally get to it. The whole point is that a "normal" version isn't that interesting to see, which is why they didn't show Gohan cooking breakfast or Dr. Hedo brushing his teeth in the movie.
Anyway, you read chapter 91 and it feels like they skipped to the middle of the movie because Pan's waiting at kindergarten. Then you get to Chapter 94 and you see Pan waiting at kindergarten again and think the story is starting over. Or was it preschool? The manga version has a sign over the property that reads "kindergarten", but Pan's only three so I don't know. Piccolo knocked her into a bunch of rocks earlier in the day, and now he's taking her home with a layover at Red Ribbon HQ, so the point of all of this is that nothing is really ever "normal" with Dragon Ball.
Back to the manga, Toyotaro drags out this scene by having a cop take notice of the Red Ribbon aircraft, but he immediately decides it's okay once he finds out it's for Mr. Satan's granddaughter. This might be the same cop who helped Goku find Bulma's house for the first time in the original Red Ribbon Army Saga, but I'm not interested in looking it up.
So once again, Toyotaro seems determined to cram in new material to this story, but it's always designed to be as dull as possible, answering questions no one asked. Why didn't Piccolo get a ticket for the aircraft being parked on the street? For the zero people who were concerned about this, Toyotaro heroically includes a traffic cop whose sole purpose is to remind us that it doesn't actually matter.
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Chapter 94 continues up to the first leg of the Gohan/Gamma 1 fight. There's some changes to the fight choreography, but I'm not gonna do a side-by-side analysis or anything. It pretty much has to be different because of the medium involved. I'm pretty sure Gohan firing a Kamehameha is new, as is Gamma 1 shooting at him to counterattack. But I could be wrong.
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While Gohan powers up to his Ultimate/Mystic/Elder Kai Unlock form, Krillin's family is just getting out of the movie theater where they watched Cleangod 2. I mentioned this scene before, but now that we're here, this is Teen Marron's only appearance in Dragon Ball Super, and here's the big pitch for the character: She's a huge fan of Cleangod. Just like Goten! And Trunks. And... Dr. Hedo. I'm not impressed.
Krillin senses Gohan fighting, then he gets a call from Police HQ.
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For some reason, Krillin runs off and hides while he takes the call? Are people not supposed to know he's a cop? Everyone keeps staring at him the whole time, so if he's trying to keep this a secret, he's doing a lousy job of it. Also, when 18 asks him who he's talking to, she doesn't seem to believe his answer, so she insists on tagging along with him. Does... 18 not know Krillin's a cop? What is going on here?
The dumbest part of all of this is that Nutz is calling Krillin to tell him about the battle at the Red Ribbon Army base. Remember how she had Krillin follow Magenta and Hedo in Chapter 91? Because they knew Magenta had a secret base but they didn't know where it was? And then Krillin lost them before he could find it?
Okay, so apparently the police had suspected that it was in that crater lake, camouflaged by a hologram. In fact, they've suspected this for so long that they've been monitoring the lake with cameras, and when Gohan went ultimate he disrupted the hologram and revealed the base. Now they want Krillin to reconnoiter the area before they send in a bunch of guys.
This is just really dumb. I mean, if the police suspected the base was inside the lake, why didn't they just send Krillin to check it out in the first place? He could have gone there months ago, and if it was just a lake, the worst thing that would have happened is he'd get wet. But if it was a secret mercenary base, he could have just snuck in and out as easily as Piccolo did in this story. It would have been even easier, since Krillin's less conspicuous than Piccolo, and the Red Ribbon wouldn't have had Hedo's androids for support. Hell, Krillin could have taken out the entire base by himself, and all they had to do was send him to the lake that they were already monitoring.
Also, why is it the West City Police Department's job to bust the Red Ribbon Army? Isn't that a job for the Royal Military? None of this makes any sense. I mean, the purpose is to add more Krillin content to the story, but it's so forced that it becomes nonsensical. The movie makes so much more sense without the police involved at all. Again, it's another question that no one asked. "Why didn't the police find the Red Ribbon Army's hidden base?" Because it's a hidden base, that's why not!
Toyotaro seems almost desperate to give these fictional cops a chance to save face. Well they were trying very hard to locate the base, but they just couldn't find it before Piccolo did. Except his depiction of their efforts just makes them look worse. Sergeant Nutz seems to know everything about the Red Ribbon Army. She knew Magenta was secretly rebuilding it, she knew he was planning to contact Dr. Hedo, and when he would do it. She was even pretty sure where the Red Ribbon base was. Yet despite all this inside information, she still couldn't figure out how to respond to it.
All of this makes it look like a set up to explain Krillin showing up at the end of the movie, except, no, that's not what happens. He shows up at the end because Bulma calls him and tells him what's happening. Toyotaro saw the movie and thought: "No! That's not enough! We need three reasons for Krillin to go to the lake!"
1. He senses Gohan's ki from the battle. 2. Sgt. Nutz calls him and tells him to go check out the base. 3. Bulma calls him and tells him Piccolo is at the base.
Is that enough? Does Krillin have sufficient motivation to go yet? I'm not sure, let's throw in some more reasons.
4. Krillin is visited by the ghost of the pirates from that underwater cave. The ghost tells him that the Red Ribbon stole his treasure and hid it in the lake, so he pleads with Krillin to recover it so the pirates can rest in peace. 5. Marron really wants to check out the crater lake, becuase Cleangod 2 had a scene that was filmed there. 6. Vegeta briefly pops in using his manga-only Instant Transmission. He asks Krillin to check on a three-layer cake he ordered from the bakery, but Krillin mishears him and thinks he said "crater lake". 7. The Supreme Kai of Time deputizes Krillin into the Time Patrol and informs him of a temporal anomaly at the crater lake. 8. Krillin was going there anyway because it's on his way home.
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Back to the fight, not much is different, although there's a brief moment where Piccolo coaches Gohan before they resume fighting their respective opponents. This is kind of redundant, because they both already understood they were fighting androids, and they're already in their strongest forms (as far as they know), so Piccolo is just stating the obvious here. At least he isn't telepathically summoning Krillin to get his butt over here. Piccolo actually trusts the plot of this movie.
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The Gammas aren't quite as powerful in this version, so 2 has to give a little assist to 1, then they consider double-teaming Piccolo to improve their chances. This doesn't last long, though, since it's not like Gohan was just going to stand there and let Piccolo get beat down.
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At Capsule Corp, Bulma starts assembling a squad to help Piccolo, and is surprised to learn that Trunks already knows about Dr. Hedo. She asks him why he never mentioned any of this before, and finally, finally, Toyotaro has come up with a question someone might have actually asked. Why didn't Trunks tell Bulma about all of this? Because he would have gotten in trouble for playing superhero, and also because Bulma wouldn't have taken his story seriously even if he had said anything.
So Bulma admits that she goofed, but now she ungrounds Trunks (and Goten, since he just showed up), and she wants them to join Piccolo in battle.
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But she immediately regrets it, because Goten and Trunks can't pinpoint Piccolo's location with their ki senses. And this is Big Goten in a nutshell. The boys are eager to get in on the action, but they lack the skill and focus to be effective. They're basically the opposite of what Gohan was in his childhood. Gohan was constantly caught between adventure and study, and he ended up excelling in both things. But Goten and Trunks really don't get pushed hard in either direction. They don't have much motivation to study, and they're not very good at adventure stuff either. Bulma's giving them a chance to be heroes and they're blowing it.
Anyway, she calls Piccolo, and when he doesn't answer, she calls Krillin, which is the canonical reason they all show up together at the end of the story.
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Oh, and here's an awesome shot of Cell Max. I can't stress this enough: The art in this thing is tremendous, but the writing is just dull as can be. Everything's either a rerun or a pointless filler scene.
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When Cell Max crawls out to fight all the good guys, Goten and Trunks offer to give Piccolo and Gohan a breather, and they switch to their Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 suits. Pan's into it, but everyone else find it dumb. I guess Marron should have come along and maybe she'd enjoy this...
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
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helloiamadrawer · 9 months
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my name is Ace and welcome to my writing blog!
i mostly just write on this blog for the according fandoms:
1.My Hero Academia
2.Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
3.The Amazing Digital Circus
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Please make your age visible in your bio (because some stuff is 18+) you will be blocked if not and determined as a bot
2. no negative comments or anything that is hate related as it will result in to being blocked as well
3. feel free to send me your imagines/drabbles of the topics of any character wether SFW or NSFW as seen above ⬆️ (the reason why I'm not taking requests is because..anxiety)
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My Hero Academia
Yuga Aoyama
An Aoyama Fan's Nightmare
The Nightrobe 🔥 (18+)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
✨Bf Aoyama Drabbles✨
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Class 1-A headcanons and such
Class 1A Girls + music they listen to
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 1
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 2
A Handhold and Something More..💗
Alternate Ending Chapter 383 KIRIMINA STORY 💕
Revenge at The Sports Festival
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Dragon Ball Z/Super/Super Hero 🐉
Fav DBS/SH Characters NSFW Imagines
Son Goku Comfort Hc's
Gamma 1 and 2 Threesome fic Part 1 (18+)
Dyspo NSFW alphabet (18+🔥)
Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 Content
Gamma 1
Nsfw headcanons (18+)
Gamma 1 bf headcanons
Gamma 2
X Reader headcanons (sfw and nsfw)
Supreme Kai Pairings (ship headcanons)
Universe 3 x Universe 9
Universe 4 x Universe 7
Kinger👑 Tweaking (Part 1) (trigger warning)
Kinger Tweaking (Part 2) (trigger warning)
Caine catching reader trying on his suit (fluff)
Jax curing your stress (NSFW)
Caine curing your stress (NSFW)❤️‍🔥
Neutrophil Squad Bf Analysis (Sfw)
Character Alignment ft Immune Cells
Character Alignment Memes 2
Nsfw Neutrophil Hcs (18+)
A Distraction (2048 x Red Blood Cell! Reader) (trigger warning!)
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